It's the only reason your father gives you money before you go to school. The only reason your mom beats the hell out of you for kicking a classmate at school.
Love isn’t science. It happens without C2 + O4 = H20 or F = M - W. It's the reason why men spend most of their lives trying to understand something that can never be understood, women.
Love is the reason why everyone is a florist on the 14th of February. The reason why Poh Kong and Habib jewels will never run out of business. The reason why the population of the world is getting bigger, hence the high unemployment rate.
Love, the reason why Kim Kardashian dan Kris Humphries got married. (O really now?)
People do crazy things for love. All for something so uncertain, so fragile. People end their lives over this intangible theory called love, just ask Romeo and Juliet, or Jack Dawson and Rose.
Love, the essence of the local film industry. The reason why Ombak Rindu is so fricking successful.
Love is the one thing that keeps us moving (not cars though, petrol keeps ur car moving). Love is a motivation, an inspiration. Shakespeare would still be shaking spears if it wasn’t for this thing called love.
Love is just like Maggi Hot Cup, except it never sells out and only comes in two flavours, Kepiluan Meletop dan Kebahagian Selamanya.
Love is blind. Ask Kasim Selamat.
Love is friendship (friendship, not friendster).
Love is enriching. It puts a smile on your face when you’re down. It fills your heart with butterflies (caterpillars, before they transform into beautiful butterflies). It makes you feel appreciated, infuses a sense of belonging into your soul. It serenades you to sleep. It makes the world, a better place.
Love makes you want to be a better person. It makes you do things you'd never imagined possible. It makes you walk the extra mile even when your feet are dead sore. It propels you to kneel before her even when your ego is larger than Pamela Anderson's (Apa? cuba teka). It teaches you how to make a card for her birthday. It teaches you how to sing even though your name is William Hung.
Love, something you would only share with someone who matters (share in real life, not in facebook). That someone who’d you be insane enough to spend your whole savings on a diamond ring for. That someone who would hug you after your trip to the gym. That someone who you’d say "Aku terima akan nikahnya..." to. That someone who you’d want to grow old with.
That someone who you'd love for the rest of your life.
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