Monday, 23 April 2012

Cure for the Common Traffic.

I’ve finally found a solution to escape crazy traffic in the city.

Don’t drive.

No rude drivers cutting lines at the lights. No cheap Wira drivers with overcompensating bulky ugly stolen body kits and blaring exhaust pipes. No careless self righteous feminist drivers with misplaced confidence. No more long stagnant lines. Now I can finally be at peace with humanity on the road and see them as they are: people who drive. This is possible now because I'm usually at a higher place in mind, in spirit and in body (because of the elevated monorail tracks above the major roads).

So then I thought I finally can have more wondrous days ahead with less negativity and more room for some sun and blue skies. The metro is convenient, gets you places on time, it’s clean (in the morning), I practically go out of my doorstep-into the metro-straight to my office and I don’t have to deal with unneeded stress. Or do I?

People cut lines at the metro too…. They do. Took me awhile to realize this. Those lines at the platforms can be very deceiving. It gives you an impression on how civilized we can be yet as soon as the train stops all hell breaks loose. Gone were the symetrical lines of past moments and enter chaos. People coming in and out, shoving and pushing. Heads in between shoulders. Shoulders against chests. Chests against faces. Hands between legs.

It really depends on my mood whether to join or just wait & watch the ensuing insanity. Usually I just stand by and look at the fray, thinking how much more civilized I am as compared to those minions of capitalism. On other days I forgo my pride and squeezed myself into the entagled mass of limbs & flesh & smell between the random bodies just to be home on time for “How I Met Your Mother” reruns. Shoving and pushing ain’t all that bad most of the time. I might even get lucky on some days.

I hate the sudden halts train drivers make. Because it jerks you with the momentum to places that is never certain and consistent. On lucky days I’m holding on to the bars. Or I get to maintain my balance and remained in my standing position at the same spot without major changes in composure. The unlucky days however are quite…. random. Like really random. You’ll never know who you’d bump yourself INTO.

My record of bumping into people as of current is 16 males (general), 56 hotties, 3 females, 10 walls/poles and 2 gay guys. My record of people bumping into me however is 5 men, 0 hotties (a slight brush of ass or other body parts don’t count), 21 females, 5 walls/poles and 87 gays.

This record makes me re-evaluate of how I make life decisions.

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